School Motto
The Name of the Academy The Chinese Name of Lutheran Academy is ‘Hong Xin Shu Yuan’, which originates from the scripture, “Love bears all things, believes all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7). We also adopt the scripture as our school motto.
This Chinese character means ‘wide and spacious, great and vast’. It connotes that one should possess the virtues of forgiveness and respect to different and opposite opinions. Furthermore, one should also possess vast knowledge and good manners. In a greater sense, man should acquire global perspective and broad range of knowledge so that we could overcome the limitations of region, culture and experiences to attain great accomplishments. Being able to acknowledge one’s humility for our unnoticeable existence in the universe is important that the only way to overcome the obstacles in our lives is to rely on Lord and seek for the truth.
This Chinese character means ‘faith, trust and believe’. It connotes the unconditioned trust in Lord from one’s bottom of the heart. Faith must be founded on truth while learning truth would increase one’s faith. In a greater sense, man always experiences a series of peaks and troughs throughout the history. We should believe the Almighty God has always arranged the best for us, even though in times of uncertainties so that we are willing to bear the pains at the moment and wait until the day we receive the ultimate and eternal honour from the Lord.
Love bears all things — ‘Hóng’ (「宏」),
Believes(「信」) all things — ‘Xìn’ (「信」)
School Tour Map
School Song
On my way
Lyrics by: Wong Chung Kit / Ip Wing Tung
Everyone beside me
We stand as one call for unity
With our Lord I can see eternity
In Your love we believe
No matter ups and downs we say:
“With Love, we can be we can be”
Wide and spacious sky
All the difference from my eyes
Varies in nature bringing us together
Luac Family
We are from everywhere
Holding respect
Love is everywhere
Common value we share
Follow You and find our faith
And Your words we crave
I see Your footprints on my way
To the future that I pave
Everyday I close my eyes and pray
With Your promise I’m proud to say “I have You On my Way”
Pastoral Care
The school strongly believes that there should be a comprehensive and integrated program to cater for the personal, emotional, social and spiritual development of students. In order to facilitate the planning and the coordination of the work, a committee was set up which was composed of teachers and experts in religious and value education, discipline and counseling. Moreover, a school-based student support network would be established to design a wide range of developmental, preventive and remedial programs and to line up the efforts of class teachers, parents, social workers and church pastors.
3R Policy (RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & RELEVANCE) is adopted to nurture students’ spiritual development. Praises and positive reinforcement are commonly found in daily school life. Appreciation message, newsletter acknowledge of good work and a board for displaying good deeds are used to further cultivate a culture of praises and encouragement.
The House System
Riesling, Merlot, Shiraz and Chardonnay are the Four Houses in Lutheran Academy. All students of primary section and middle section will be assigned to different Houses.
The House System at Lutheran Academy focuses on the participation in competition and the reward for student behaviour in lessons. It provides our students with opportunities to develop their skills, sportsmanship, appropriate behaviour and fair play. It aims to instil a sense of pride and belonging for each student within their House, with a wide range of sport and academic activities to create a healthy atmosphere of competition to win the House Cup.
The House names are based on types of grapes and each House represents a different character.

The dragon has been chosen to represent Riesling because dragons embody aspiration, bravery, loyalty, curiosity, and risk taking. This fantastical and mythical beast is not just an attractive and fascinating creature, it is also tough and resilient. The poppy has been chosen as it represents success and imagination, which are central to the spirit of Riesling. The dragon creates a tough and strong image that matches the spirit of the house even more.

The unicorn has been chosen for Merlot because it represents freedom, purity, mercy and beauty. It also encompasses the idea of innocence. The iris has been chosen as the flower to represent Merlot, because it is the symbol of wisdom, hope, faith and friendship.

The tiger has been chosen for Shiraz because it is an independent, fearless, and mysterious animal. It is also known for being elegant, unique, as well as showing great strength. The rose has been chosen to represent Shiraz, not because it represents romance, but because it symbolises elegance, grace and respect. The leaves of roses are also meaningful as they represent hope. The design is meant to be neither too soft nor too tough, which is why the tiger and rose combination was chosen.

The deer or stag was chosen to represent Chardonnay because it stands for leadership, determination, calm and nature. It also symbolises elegance and beauty. The flower chosen for Chardonnay is nasturtium, because it symbolises victory and conquest.
Taking pleasure in solitude
While displaying your unparalleled delectable manner
You fascinate us with fragrant style
Toppling the anticipation with aspiring glamour
Steadfast in your long journey
With a poignant resourceful edge. Though much obliged to those surrounding
Brisk grey skies you readily thread
And a blooming pace quickened to an early entrance
The innocence you hold is soft and lavish
Within preserving a subtle essence
Fondness and admiration found in the rims of friendship
For your fellowship compliments the bitterness of your acquaintance
Enclosing sweet affectionate charms
Contributing to all with care and brilliance
Marveling in a stoic disposition of strength
And rivered for the exertion you endure
Throughout balancing the weaknesses of companions
A Powerful and abundant spirit increases your allure
Enjoy the warmth of natures course
In the late hour you find yourself
Distinguished and classic you are within
Thriving the exotic personas with vigorous depth
There are moments where flamboyance isn’t just
Elaborate measures & extensive chimes doesn’t do
This is when you shine brighter than all
Extending your calming sovereignty as we bow to you
Notable recognition given
While flourishing in many lands
We replicate your obscure form with honor
Sheltering your qualities in the midst of our hands