What is the “ePayment”?
The ePayment system aims to reduce unnecessary administration time for our office staff and reduce the need for multiple payments from parents. The system is safe and reliable, with clear and detailed account records for every eClass account.
Why do we introduce the ePayment?
Our inquiry driven curriculum requires students to explore their surroundings and interact with them via various means. So, a lot of resources are involved throughout the process. In the past two years, we asked parents to purchase these resources on a case-by-case basis and collect the money individually from the students. It is noted that the efficiency of collecting the money is not high because the students might forget to hand it in to the teachers or the office; or they lose it accidentally. As a solution to this issue, we have decided to adopt one of the eClass modules–“ePayment” to facilitate the process.
How does the ePayment work?
Each student will be assigned a personalized ePayment account in the eClass system in which school will debit the account for the activities undertaken individually. You will be able to check the account details, balance and transaction records online via the ePayment module in the eClass System. We will demonstrate how you can check the balance from the eClass during the briefing session. A user guide will also be given to you soon.
Parents are notified before an amount is debited from their accounts. The transaction records and balance, however, will not be shown instantly after authorizing the transaction. They will be shown on the Friday on the second week and the forth week of each month.
What kinds of resources are purchased through the ePayment?
During the trial run, only the following incidental expenses and activities will be covered by the ePayment:


Field Trips

Reference Books

Student Activities

And more...
How to add credits into the ePayment?
Parents can write a HK$1,000 cheque payable to “ELCHK Lutheran Academy”, with the student’s name, class and indicate “deposit” at the back of the cheque, and submit it to the Student & Administration Office. After collecting the cheque, we will update the students’ ePayment account.
What will the School do about the unused credits?
Any unused credit balance can be carried forward to the following term or in the case of graduating/departing students, parents will get a refund.