Fee Remission

Student Financial Assistance Schemes

The Student Financial Assistance Schemes are available for the needy students whose families encountered financial hardship or difficulty by means of fee remission.

There are several schemes which cover the following learning-related expenses:

Fee Remission Subsidy Scheme

EOTC Subsidy Scheme

Macbook Subsidy Scheme

The student-applicant can apply for the Fee Remission Subsidy Scheme and the Scholarship Program in the same academic year. They have independent and separate set of assessment criteria.

Parents are welcome to study the attached files for more details regarding different subsidy schemes. Application form is available below or at the Student and Administration Office.

Applicable to current Students and their sibling(s) who have successfully applied in or before the 2013-2014 school year.


Read Guidance Notes

Applicable to student admitted in or after the 2014-2015 school year.

Read Guidance Notes

Types of Students

New Students

Current Students

Transfer Students

Apply Now

Fee Remission Calculator

Fee remission calculator

Please enter your family’s annual total income and the number of family members to estimate your eligibility for financial aid. 

Based on your input, calculate the adjusted family income and provide relevant aid amounts.

has successfully applied and received the assistance of the Student Financial Assistance Schemes in or before the 2013/14 school year.

Adjusted Family Income (AFI): $

AFI Groups (HKD) Level of Assistance SFO (Financial Assistance Scheme for Primary and Secondary student)
(✓ should apply / X should NOT apply) (Level of Assistance)
Fee Remission Subsidy Scheme Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) Subsidy Scheme (HKD) MacBook Subsidy Scheme (HKD)

Scholarship Program

Lutheran Academy offers scholarships to our current secondary students who have demonstrated excellence in their conduct as well as their academic, artistic, musical and athletic developments.

At the same time, we also offer scholarships to prospective students who successfully enroll in each school year and can meet certain requirements. Their achievements should be traceable and provable with certificates, awards and/ or trophies from recognized national and international associations.

Qualified applicants will be invited to an interview and may be asked to participate in an audition and/ or demonstration.

Scholarships are offered in 4 ranks, which are defined by the monetary amount a recipient can receive: