Clarice CHEUNG

Head of Middle School
Assistant Principal
DP Subject Group Head of Language Acquisition
Vice Chairperson of LAPT



Yuen Long Lutheran Primary School, Luther College High School, ELCHK Lutheran Academy…a trilogy of Clarice Cheung’s Lutheran life.

Clarice’s first book starts with a young girl who knew nothing about Christianity until she joined Yuen Long Lutheran Primary School, where she developed a deep understanding of Christian values over the years. In Book Two, she voyaged to Luther College High School in Canada to complete her high school education, where she learned to inquire and become an independent thinker with her IB fellow schoolmates. Before she embarked on her journey at ELCHK Lutheran Academy, she demonstrated her IB learner attribute of being knowledgeable by attaining her Bachelor of Science Degree, Teaching as a Second Language Diploma, Post-graduate Diploma of Education and Master of Education. She also exhibited her attribute of a risk-taker by teaching at two universities in Hong Kong as a part-time lecturer alongside her secondary school teaching. In Book Three, Clarice continues to showcase her attribute of being a life-long learner by attaining a third degree–Master of Arts. Book Three is yet finished; the colleagues, parents, students whom she meets in this journey will help her fill the chapters with colours, memories and blessings.


<p>English Language Arts</p>