During the 10 years from 2000 to 2010, we have encountered various problems during the lead time for the Academy – from the opposition regarding the proposed building location at Ping Shan by the locals to the suspension of the whole project as decided by the Education Bureau due to decreasing birth rate – and yet we do not give up our faith of creating a new school with an epochal curriculum for our young generations. Eventually in 2008 the Legislative Council has accepted and approved the School Development Project. A sum of around HK$280 million dollars has been granted for building the school premise and it has been ready for use since 2010.
With the concerted effort of the LA team and the unanimous support from the LA community, we achieved a great milestone for the Academy by successfully gaining the IB authorization to offer the Diploma Programme (DP) in September 2014, the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in January 2018, and the Middle Years Programme in November 2019 respectively, which made us the first and only Direct Subsidy Scheme through-train school in the Northwestern New Territories of Hong Kong.
sponsoring body
Our school is founded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong (ELCHK) whose aim is to follow the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:16 – 20), and to imitate His example of teaching and serving. Addressing the physical and spiritual needs of our society and leads people to accept the Gospel, the Good news of Jesus Christ.
number of students
teacher-student ratio
number of teachers
Size of School Premises
CHIEF principal
Dr. Patrick LAM Hak-chung
school category
DSS (Direct Subsidy Scheme)
school theme
“Lutheran Academy — where the young become global leaders”
school motto
(1 Corinthians 13:7)
groundbreaking day
May 15, 2009
commencement of school
September 2010
Glocalized Curriculum integrates the local curriculum and the international education curricula to provide more global perspectives to students.
student gender